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Are You Living For Man or For God?


Tofuology: The study of tofu, a fermented soy milk made into a form usable as a replacement for meat and/or dairy products. It is a versatile way to deceive spouses and children into thinking and feeling that they are actually consuming carnivorous substances (if prepared and spiced appropriately.)

Aren’t you glad that when it comes to the Word of God you get the real thing?

Text:  II Cor 6: 14  14 ‍Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?‍ 15 ‍And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?‍ 16 ‍And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.‍ 17 ‍Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,‍ 18 ‍And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.‍

Title:  Are You living For Man or For God?


Don’t misunderstand me…..when we live for God….we will bless mankind and minister to man, however, when we live for man and man is our god, then we will become a curse to mankind….and that is what has happened to culture….man worships man, and the result is corruption…..let’s get this thing back on course with God’s way….the Bible way!

Belial is simply another name for the devil.  What fellowship does Jesus Christ have with the devil……none….nada…this does not mean that we don’t witness and that we don’t have fiends, but it does mean that we don’t run with the world, talk like the world, act like the world, and party with the world….come out from among them and be ye separate….

It all comes down to who you are living for…God or man.  If you are living for man, your very world will soon crumble…but if you are living for God, you will have eternal life!

He said, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers…we are not supposed to compare ourselves with this world….It doesn’t matter if your neighbor has a house 3 times the size of yours and drives a Bentley and you drive a bug….it makes no difference…..Luke 12: 15:  “Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”  Jesus said that!

When we are truly converted, we will keep a safe distance from the ungodly influences of this world!

You can’t enjoy the pleasures of sin and the pleasures of the Kingdom of God at the same time…we all must make a choice which way we will have it….but God will not allow both!

This kingdom business is different than anything this world has to offer and we are not willing to sell our souls for any personal gain…..we must live for Him alone!

Man’s ways lead to disappointment…God’s ways lead to a truly fulfilled life!

A lover of truth cannot run with this world and be in a safe place….we live in the world, but we are not of this world!

It has always been a struggle getting people to the house of God, even in the early church it was a constant struggle, but they came because the early church worked hard at it…..

I have been hearing about preachers in various denominations that are embracing and allowing homosexuality in the pulpit…..some of these preachers are taking a stand and leaving their denominations and starting out fresh where they are not bound by politically correct by-laws that prevent them from preaching the whole council of God…my hat is off to these wonderful men who still have enough guts to take a stand against sin…..may they find the full truth of Acts in Jesus Name!

I don’t understand how people can remain content in religious darkness….if there is any thing in life that is of utmost importance…seek the Lord!  Seek Him with your whole heart until you find Him! If you seek Him He will be found!    You seek for man’s solutions and leave disappointed, but I can promise you that when you seek the Lord…..he will never disappoint you!

Leviticus 19: 30 declares:  30 ‍Ye shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary: I am the LORD.‍ 31 ‍Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

Saul tried it God’s way and the outcome was total disaster…..but David did things God’s way and the result was blessing….David would have had even more blessing if it wasn’t for Bathsheba and numbering the people.  At least David was a man after God’s own heart….he did his best to steer the people into spiritual matters….through praise and worship….that is where it is at!

David refused to be reduced to being a man pleaser…..he wanted to be a God-pleaser!

If you set your heart to please man and not God, then you are setting yourself up for failure…..but if you will make up in your heart tonight that nothing will stand in your way to please the Lord, then you are setting yourself up for a great life that you can be thankful for!

God will make a way when it seems like there is no way…God will make a way for you to do His will, God will make a way for you to walk in His ways….God will make a way for you to understand His directions for your life!

Our hats are off to all who labor in the true Kingdom of Jesus Christ. They have sold themselves out to doing a work that is foreign to many minds…it is the work, however, that will keep lasting when all of man’s work is done and forgotten, you will not forget God’s work….can you imagine the joy of seeing somebody in Heaven that you won to God and having them run to you near the throne and to have them hug you and say, “Thank you for witnessing to me and for leading me to Jesus!”  Thank you for taking the time to love me!  That is what living and working for God is all about!

It all comes down to churchianity vs. Christianity:  which do we want:  we choose true Christianity!  We choose the Christianity of the Bible:

There are some people who warm a pew who don’t want to hear the truth…they just assume rather hear about the latest comic strip or sit there and trim their nails in church….they never lift their hands, they never walk down the aisle to an altar, they never weep or fall out in the spirit…

I remember when I first came here the Lord hit me with a burden during a service and it cause me to lay out on the carpet and travail before the Lord right during the service….somebody came to me and thought it was because I wasn’t getting enough sleep….I appreciated their concern for my health, but I am concerned at times that we all too easily forget how to catch hold of a genuine burden for the work and ways of God and enter in to some old fashioned Holy Ghost travail!

When we get in the Spirit, we will run against the grain of churchianity!  It’s just that simple folks…don’t complicate it…just come out from among them and be ye separate…

The church of England, as nice as it may sound, the Anglican church, experienced a shift in the 1800’s because there were those who became discontent with churchianity….they were studying their Bibles and realized that some vital aspects of the Christian life were missing…..their actions became sin in the eyes of the Anglican church…they became guilty of Christian love….they became guilty of the same thing Paul and Silas did:  after having cast out the evil spirit of divination from the woman, her masters became extremely upset because they saw that their financial gain was being overthrown….their apple cart was turned over, so they caught Paul and Silas  and drew them into the marketplace‍ unto the rulers.  Acts 16: 20 says:  20 ‍And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city,‍ 21 ‍And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans.‍

Paul and Silas were beat, and thrown into prison…it was not a pretty nor a pleasant sight…how would you like to be punished for doing the right thing?  It happened to the early church….they did what was right and unpopular all the time….and they paid a price, but they gained a reward reserved for the righteous that the wicked will never be allowed to partake of!

The jailor was to keep Paul and Silas in stocks….a devise that held their feet.  Satan will do everything he can to try and thwart your walk with the Lord!

The awesome wonder of it all is that nobody can stop the power of genuine prayer offered up to the Lord…..

Paul and Silas prayed and sang praise…always a good thing to do!

The other prisoners could hear the praise….what a great way to witness!

All of a sudden…..there was a great earthquake…..God will shake this world!  Its gonna happen!  The foundations of the prison were shaken…what happens when you get at the foundation…all the doors were opened… long as Satan can keep your foundation on the wrong things he knows the doors to freedom won’t be opened in your life….(I U East…had some problems with their foundations on new building and the result was that they could not open the doors (or even finish the building for that matter until the foundations problems were solved!)  You gotta get the foundation right first….One God, Holy Ghost, water baptism in Jesus Name, Holiness….then you can expect the doors of blessing, signs, wonders, and miracles, and prosperity to open wide!

When you pray, praise and worship and give your life to Jesus Christ, I want you to know that it will not only loose your own bands, but it will loose others around you!   That is what happened in the prison!

When you live for God and not man, things begin to click in your life!

The prison guard became so distraught that he was going to kill himself with his own sword ( the dude thought he was going to be killed anyway because he was responsible)….but Paul yelled to him……don’t do it!!!! we are all here!

29 ‍Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,‍ 30 ‍And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?‍ 31

When the Lord is working….it will lead to people being saved!

‍And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.‍ 32 ‍And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.‍ 33 ‍And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.‍

Part of believing is getting baptized!


34 ‍And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.‍

I can tell you that it wasn’t just a mental acknowledgement either!  To believe is to act upon the promises of God…..the greatest promise is to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost….speaking with other tongues!