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The Anointing And The Name

            Then said David to the Philistine, “Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield:  but I come to thee in the Name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, who thou hast defiled.”  ( I Samuel 17:45 ).

            This is a beautiful story presented to us today.  Many times in my youth have I sat and listened to this story.  The story of David slaying the giant, still thrills the hearts of everyone.

            There are some points I want to make to you today as we relive this wonderful event in Old Testament history.

            We remember Samuel anointing King Saul to be the ruler of Israel.  Because of the disobedience of Saul, God rejected him from being king of Israel.  How the prophet, Samuel, mourned for Saul.

            Some of you today do not realize the times your pastor has mourned for you, calling your name to God in prayer.  God hates rebellion and He will not always put up with your rebellious ways.

            There is a line on sins dark highway, called the point of no return.  Saul had crossed that line, and God was through with him.

            God told Samuel to take the horn of oil and go to the house of Jesse to anoint one of   his   sons   as   king    of    Israel.      Samuel    rose    up    and    began    his    journey

to Bethlehem.

            After all the sons of Jesse passed by, God did not choose any of them.  David was the eighth son to come before Samuel.  Eight is the number of a new beginning.
            Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed David in the presence of his brothers.  This anointing oil was a type of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that time and forward.

            Let me tell you something, child of God, the world may have its talents, but we have the Holy anointing.  There is nothing like being anointed by God’s Spirit.  We cannot achieve our victories without God’s anointing.

            A few days past, and David was sent by his father to take a lunch for his brothers, who were fighting the Philistines in the valley of Elah.    

            While David was talking to his brothers, Goliath, the giant of the Philistines, challenged the armies of Israel, and defied the God of Israel.

            All Israel was fearful of this giant.  He was a mighty man and had killed many in combat.  King Saul was no match for this giant.  Israel feared and trembled at his presence for forty days.

            The devil today still challenges the church of the living God.  He still breathes out

threats against God’s people.  There are giants in the land today; where are the David’s of Israel?

            Little David heard the challenges of Goliath, as he profaned the God of Israel.  This was too much for David to take, listening to an uncircumcised Philistine profane the God of Israel.

            David’s holy anger began to boil within him, as no one in the army of Saul would dare to fight Goliath.  David said, “I will go and fight this uncircumcised Philistine.”  He was discouraged by his brothers and friends, but he was determined to go.

            Saul, seeing that David could not be persuaded to change his mind, made provision for David to put on his armor.  Saul armed David with a helmet of brass and a coat of mail.  David was instructed to take Saul’s sword also.  So David was armed with the carnal weapons of warfare.

            Let me say today; beware of the carnal weapons of our brethren.  This was more than a physical battle; Goliath had profaned the God of Israel.  It took a special anointing to fight a spiritual battle.

            David put off the carnal weapons of Saul.  The carnal weapons of this life will never defeat the devil.  It takes the anointing and the Name.

            David took his sling and came to the giant in the Name of the Lord God of Israel.  Goliath was struck down by a stone from David’s sling.  David immediately ran to Goliath and cut off his head with a sword.

            This was the outward result, but the real unseen weapons used that day, was the anointing and the Name.

            We are in a spiritual battle today.  There is no giant we cannot defeat if we have the anointing and the Name.  We are the sons of God.  There is no weapon formed against us that will defeat us.

            Bring on your giants, Satan!

            I’ve got the anointing and the Name!

            At the Name of Jesus, there is a shudder in the corridors of Hell.

            At the Name of Jesus, angels stand at attention.

            At the Name of Jesus, demons have to flee.

            At the Name of Jesus, Satan gets weak in the knees.

            Victory belongs to us today.  We are the victors of this spiritual warfare.  We need to exercise our faith in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

            Come on devil, I have the anointing and the Name waiting for you!  This battle belongs to God.  You are going to be defeated.  I have already read the last chapter of your life.

            Bring on your giants of despair!

            Bring on your giants of fear!

            Bring on your giants of depression!

            Bring on your giants of sorrow!

            Bring on your giants of temptation!

            Bring on your giants of intimidation!  

            Bring on your giants of affliction!

            I’m standing in victory valley, with the anointing of God’s Spirit, and the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

            I will not be defeated!

            I will not be intimidated!

            I will not be conquered!

            I will not be discouraged!

            I will not lay down and die!

            You are going to have to whip this old boy!  You are in the fight of your life when you profane the saints of the most high God.

            When you come against the anointing and the Name, you are coming against a buzz saw that will cut you in a million pieces and feed your hide to the fowls of the air.
            Thank God today, for the anointing and the Name.  Use it child of God; it will work for you.  It will give you the victory!