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When Fear Gets A Chokehold

Scripture: 1 Samuel 20:1-3
In this lesson, When Fear Gets A Chokehold, one of the first negative emotions that man ever had to contend with was fear. Fear can get a chokehold […]
Topics: Faith, Fear, Trials

No Field; No Treasure

Scripture: Matthew 13:52-
In this lesson, No Field, No Treasure, People want the results of higher education, good jobs, economy, respect. All of that is the treasure. But the field is […]

The Omnipotence of God

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 14:9-15
In this lesson we learn of The Omnipotence of God. Omnipotent means to have unlimited authority and influence. God’s power has been displayed since the before the beginning […]

The Effects Of Fresh Fire

Scripture: Revelation 3:15-19
In this lesson, The Effects of Fresh Fire, the most outlandish error of charisma was to overreact to early Pentecostal legalism. Holiness is not legalism; legalism is fear […]

My Response to His Presence

Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-6
In this lesson, My Response to His Presence, there is an inborn desire to respond to events that move us. When it comes to Basketball, football, you name […]

Our Expectations Produce Actions

Scripture: Acts 3:5-1
This lesson teaches us that, Our Expectations Produce Actions. We all have expectations of what we “Expect” to happen. Either, on the job, in our marriages, our church, […]

Marks of True Devotion

Scripture: Romans 12:1-8
In this lesson, Marks of True Devotion, many in the (ancient) New Testament world would go to great lengths to express their dedication to their gods. Some would […]

I Made It!

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
In this lesson, I Made It, doesn’t refer to an ultimate goal. As long as we are citizens of this world, every achievement is temporary and every victory […]
Topics: Grace, Victory, Trials

From Sadness To Singing

Scripture: Psalms 13:1-1
In this lesson, From Sadness to Singing, it has been said that songs and music are the language of the soul. Music has the ability to quicken your […]

Michals Tragic Life of Wasted Devotions

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:17-23
In this lesson, we learn about Michals Tragic Life of Wasted Devotions. Despite Michal’s failings, David was opening up a picture to us, of the law of the […]


Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:18-18
When we decided to have a Graduation service for the Children, that word “Graduation” stuck in my mind. Graduation to me, means measured progress. Something noticeable. God sees […]

Funeral Message of A Daughter of God

This is a Funeral Message of A Daughter of God. What many of us are doing here today is, saying “Goodbye” to someone we love. But a “goodbye” […]

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